Transfer Pricing

Home Services Transfer Pricing

Transfer Pricing

In today’s rapidly changing transfer pricing landscape, having an effective approach to managing transfer pricing opportunities, compliance and risk has never been more important.

Ongoing public discussion about the tax practices of multinationals and the initiative of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (“BEPS”) have disrupted long-established international transfer pricing norms.

It is no longer sufficient to respond to transfer pricing planning, compliance, and risk mitigation issues on a fragmented or as-needed basis.

The potential cost of not implementing and documenting “arm’s length” (i.e. appropriate) transfer pricing policies may include adjustments to taxable income, penalties, and interest. Moreover, the administrative proceedings necessary to avoid the resulting double taxation can be lengthy and expensive in terms of both human and financial resources.

The changing regulatory environment precipitated by the BEPS initiative creates both opportunities and risks. With an extensive global network of leading transfer pricing practitioners, WTS is uniquely positioned to advise multinationals on how to build, optimise, monitor, and defend their transfer pricing policies in a “post-BEPS” world.

Our services address the entire transfer pricing (TP) life cycle, including the following:

  • Transfer Pricing Documentation
  • Operationalisation of TP policy
  • Business Restructuring
  • Planning & Optimisation
  • Intangible Property Valuation
  • Advance Pricing Agreements
  • BEPS Masterfile and Local File Documentation
  • Country-by-Country (“CbC”) Reporting
  • Transfer Pricing Audit Defence
  • Competent Authority Assistance
  • Litigation Support
Thenesh Kannaa
Thenesh Kannaa Executive Director
Unit 13-11, Level 13, Tower A, The Vertical, Avenue 3,
Bangsar South City, no. 8, Jalan Kerinchi,
59200, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Nasha Raina Rahim
Nasha Raina Rahim Assistant Manager – Transfer Pricing
Unit 13-11, Level 13, Tower A, The Vertical, Avenue 3,
Bangsar South City, no. 8, Jalan Kerinchi,
59200, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Global Contact

Jared Walls
Jared WallsPartner WTS Global Transfer Pricing GSL Co-Head Member of the WTS Global Board of Director
1541 Ocean Ave., Suite 200
CA 90401 Santa Monica

Get in contact

If you have any questions about TRATAX or our global services, please get in touch.
We will respond to you as soon as possible.